Agent Service Representative
Janine joined SAN of Florida in February of 2013, prior to that she was Comegys receptionist her first year. Janine enjoyed the customer service interaction and Comegys loyalty, from staff and clients. She came to realize working in the insurance field was a career change that she found rewarding.
Janine obtained her 4-40 license, and moved into a service position, she has steadily increased her insurance knowledge and licensing qualifications, becoming a licensed 20-44 agent and moving into her current role as an Agent Service Representative. As part of her job, she handles all SAN of Florida incoming calls, reports that come from the underwriter companies, and she serves as a liaison between our strategic partner carriers and SAN agents. Before coming to Comegys she was employed with a non-profit organization for eleven years having responsibilities in accounting, membership management, database administration, development, and managing events. Janine is married and spends her time with her family and grandson enjoying our gulf beaches.