Improve sales, retention, and efficiency with discounted pricing for members of SAN of Florida.
Sales, Marketing, Communication
The most advanced agency website design and solution for integration, quote forms, SEO, quote proposals, and agency internal organization.
Powerful tools for prospecting, pipelines, sale closings, referrals, onboarding, and cross-selling.
SIAA Agencies Use Canopy Connect to Win More Deals
Unmatched VOIP phones, video, text, chat, proposals and messages, and over 100 features of sales and communications.
Agency Management Systems
Simplified, inexpensive, and intuitive system designed for efficiency and retention. Your clients get 24/7 self-service access.
Powerful suite of agency management systems at discounted rates for QQ Catalyst and AMS 360. Manages specialized roles and enhanced agency customization.
Leverage national discounted program for a system of innovative modules customized to your needs. Provides 24/7 self-service client access.
Financial Resources
Special program for payroll, HR, consulting, benefits management, tax processing, customized for agencies.
Simplest way to collect insurance payments. Accept EFT or credit cards, integrate invoicing, premium collection and payables.
Nation’s premier SBA lender. SAN of Florida program for agency financing, agency acquisitions, and more.
Insurance Rating Systems
Advanced technology allows two-way automated home/auto quoting using accurate AI for custom rating.
Rating engine for auto/home and data integration for multiple products. Allows prospects consumer quoting from your website.
The leader in comparative rating involving two-way integrated auto/home quoting with standardized workflows for faster closing.